Why is it the easiest language?
This site is based on real research by scientists and even includes results of a masters degree thesis and beginning doctoral dissertation which was an empirical (scientifically provable) study on what would be the easiest language to learn for all peoples of the world.
The easiest language would be easier to learn than all other languages. It would not have hundreds of irregular verbs or thousands of ambiguous words. It would not have thousands of idioms that are expressions that even if you know all of the words the meaning is different and has to be memorized. It would have words that are pronounced as spelled and spelled as pronounced. The pronunciation would be simplified. All verbs would follow a regular form. Its grammar would not be full of exceptions. The easiest language would not force you to memorize thousands of endings and or genders. It would have a lot of words that you would recognize. There would have to be books about it and literature available. It would have to have been a proven language used by all ages and professional persons.
This site will not tell you what you want to hear but rather just give you the facts. There are no politics here nor national favoritism just scientific facts.
the answer you will see is a win win for everyone.
research shows that there is one language that is clearly easier to learn than
all other languages in the world.
The easiest language can be learned in 1/10
to ¼ the time than it takes to learn English and other languages.
easiest language is most often self taught by learners around the world and is
virtually unknown to most Americans.
The average person can learn the complete
past, present and future of every verb in this language in 2 minutes.
The grammar
has 16 rules with no exceptions.
The language was scientifically designed and
then thoroughly refined for 150 years and proven most efficient for all communicating
both everyday and business.
Every verb is completely regular. No exceptions.
words are pronounced as spelled and spelled as pronounced. No exceptions.
no idioms that must be learned..
The plurals are all regular. No exceptions.
vocabulary is made of international words common to many languages.
speakers can recognize 60-70% of the words.
There is
a high degree of recognizable words for Spanish, French, German and several other
European languages.
The easiest language uses a few easy to learn prefixes
and suffixes that cut out the need to memorize thousands of words. The prefix
mal for example as in malpractice changes most any word into the opposite
meaning. This saves the student thousands of hours of memorization work.
are formed logically in a planned manner not irregularly as in other languages.
This saves the student (lets say a business person) 1000s of hours of time.
nouns end in o, All adjectives in a, all adverbs in e No exceptions.
This language
has extremely flexible wording.
In fact one can say things in this language
that one sometimes cannot say in other languages.
This language is absolutely politically and culturally neutral. It being a scientifically planned language is not only more efficient but puts all speakers on equal footing. No one is forced to learn or speak someone else's language which puts the non native speaker at great disadvantage.
And the easiest language can be shown to require much fewer memorizations, which take valuable time, than any other language.
There are no other
languages that even come close to having the above easy features.
This language
is already being used in over 100 countries and on the Internet. I personally
have 900 letters from over 80 countries representing people who speak hundreds
of different languages which I do not understand but I do understand every letter
I have received written in the easiest language. The same goes for our Internet
contacts in over 100 countries. Most of them do not understand English and will
not have time or inclination to learn English in their lifetimes.
there are many people who don't want you to know about it because they want you
to learn other languages.
Some of these people have political reasons. Some are teachers of other languages who could lose their jobs if students found out that the easiest language takes much less time to learn. Even the famous Educational Researcher Edward Thorndike stated the easiest language could be learned in 1/4 the time. Others are chauvinists who feel that we should only speak English and everyone else should learn it. How convenient. But it is not working as many people don't have the time, or ability to learn it. And although it is widespread native speakers are less than 6% of the people on the planet.